Rattler/Firebird Association

A Letter from Mary Lou Wade

December 31, 2006

Dear Rattlers and Firebirds,

I’m the younger sister of Capt. Herbert (Herby) Crosby. I’ve been reading and enjoying your web site for days now. I was contacted by Ron Seabolt recently and was so elated by the wealth of information he gave me. I have since been referring the web site to everyone I talk with from media to friends and family. It’s truly a great site, with huge significance to me and our family.

Ron put me in touch with a couple people who knew and/or flew with Herby while in Vietnam. I had a wonderful conversation with Col. Broome (Whiz) recently and was so happy to talk with someone who knew Herby then. Col. Broome agreed to officiate the services at Arlington National Cemetery in May for us. We feel so honored to have him do this … means so much to us and I know Herby would have wanted him also. Thank you Whiz.

The specific date has not been set yet, and we may not get official word until March 2007. We have requested Friday, May 25th, then, if that’s not available, Friday, May 18th, and third choice May 11th. As soon as I receive word of the date and verify times I’ll notify Ron Seabolt in order to spread the news. Our family will be very honored to have any and all of you attend. It is so very touching to know that you all care. What a family of friends you are! We have family and friends who are also coming which will be a great tribute to Herby and I’m sure they will also be delighted to me with you.

We chose May for a couple reasons. Herby was born on traditional Memorial Day (May 30, 1947) and when a young boy always thought that the flags and parades were for him on his birthday. My father died on observed Memorial Day in 1991 (May 27th). Our family has always been patriotic, with having my father a World War II vet, and with Herby an Army pilot. We’d like to honor him as close to Memorial Day as possible. Our mother is 88 so traveling in the warmer months would be better for her also. She lives with me and my husband in Titusville.

We never gave up hope, and you didn’t either. We also will never give up hope for the remaining families awaiting word about their loved one.

We have been contacted by people who wore one of the POW/MIA bracelets with his name on it who want to return it to us. There are so many out-reach things going on which is wonderful.

We’re in the process of starting a scholarship fund (The Cpt. Herbert C. Crosby Scholarship) at Embry-Riddle Aeronautics University in Daytona Beach, Florida, in his honor. I meet with the scholarship committee next week to set criteria, etc. Will let you all know more about this later. 

I am so looking forward to meeting any and all of you who attend at Arlington, or to talk with you on the phone. You are welcome to contact me at (321) 268-5268 or email at mlwade@cfl.rr.com

Our family has been truly blessed and we would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year. We thank you for your support, your service to our country and our freedom. You are all honored and respected by us. God Bless!

Mary Lou Wade
3680 Oakhill Drive
Titusville, FL 32780

Addendum: The Association has been informed by Mary Lou Wade, that services for this former MIA from our unit will be held on Friday, May 25, 2007 at Arlington National Cemetery. The time is not yet set.