Rattler/Firebird Association

Rattler/Firebird Links

Veterans Government Agencies

Department of Veterans Affairs seal Department of Veterans Affairs

Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs

House Committee on Veterans Affairs House Committee on Veterans Affairs

Veterans Organizations

American Legion American Legion

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)

Vietnam Veterans of America Vietnam Veterans of America

Other Sites

Vietnam Veterans Home Page Vietnam Veterans Home Page

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund

Vietnam Project The Vietnam Project at Texas Tech University

Veterans Resource Network Association Veterans Resource Network Association

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Page The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Page

virtwall80x80.gif The Virtual Wall

Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association

The Vietnam Helicopter Flight Crew Network The Vietnam Helicopter Flight Crew Network

Heli-Vets Heli-Vets

National Vietnam War Museum National Vietnam War Museum

Links to Some Units We Worked With

For a very good list of links to other units, visit the Links Page at VHFCN


Commercial Sites

LZ Nam

LZ Nam is owned by our own Bill Di Dio and offers a wide variety of Military Merchandise and Military Memorabilia including all branches of U.S. military services; Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Merchant Marines, etc.


Heliplaque™ is owned by our own Paul Bartlett (WO 67-68) and offers Commemorative and Memorial Plaques -- hardwood-mounted cross-sections of real helicopter rotor blades -- for those whose lives are deeply connected to helicopters.

Link to Us

If you'd like to link to us, please feel free to use one of the images below (with HTML code provided):

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