Rattler/Firebird Association

Remembering Don Flatten

Served with Rattlers & Firebirds in: 66-67
Died: 17 February 2004
Cause: Cancer

Don Flatten

User Comments

Posted by: Ron Seabolt

Date: Jun 5, 2004

Comment: Don Flatten and I flew together several times. We were together on a hot mission on 2 January 1967 in which his gunning may well have saved an entire crew. We went TDY together down in the delta for three or four days where the 9th Infantry Division was establishing a major base camp. While there we caught a mission flying Martha Ray from one camp to another. To see a photo of Don during that TDY, see this page. Flatten is in the next to last photo. Don came to our Orlando reunion in 1998. Rest in peace Brother.

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