Rattler/Firebird Association

Remembering Greg Palazzo

Served with Rattlers & Firebirds in: 67-68
Died: 10 August 2010
Cause: Kidney Failure

User Comments

Posted by: Mark Leopold

Date: Sep 14, 2010

Comment: It’s with great sadness that I find out today that Greg has passed. I include Greg in a short list of very close friends that endured the tribulations of battle with me in Vietnam. He always brightened my day with his honesty and humor and I’ll never forget the feeling of security knowing he was making our flight safer by just being there. The time I spent with him at the Nashville reunion is now more important to me than I could have imagined at the time. To Greg's family; your loss is shared by a multitude of old Firebirds honored to have served with him and been his friend.

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