Rattler/Firebird Association

Peter Alden Schmidt

Name Peter Alden Schmidt
Rank/Grade SP4 - E4 - Army - Selective Service
Age 20
Marital Status Single
Race Caucasian
Gender Male
Date of Birth Nov 7, 1949
From Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Length of Service {Service}
Tour Began Aug 15, 1970
Casualty Date Aug 15, 1970
Location LAOS
Hostile/Non-Hostile   Hostile, died while missi
Body Recovered No
Religion {Religion}

Vietnam Memorial


Panel 08W - - Line 115
Peter Alden Schmidt

Visitor Comments

Posted by:Michael Q. Parker
Date:Monday, April 12, 2004 9:48 PM UTC
Relationship:Someone who cares
From:Elkhart Tx
Comments:Although I didn't know Peter Schmidt, and was too young to have served in Vietnam, I think about him often. I wear a POW/MIA bracelet with his pilot's name on it. 1st Lt. James C. Becker. Over the years, I have accumulated quite a bit of materials researching the loss incident pertaining to the two lost individuals. Ihave talked to Lt. Becker's parents' numerous times. I feel a special bond to these two soldiers. May they someday be returned and rest in peace. God Bless All The POW'S and MIA'S.

Posted by:Robert C Aldi
Date:Friday, February 13, 2009 3:10 AM UTC
Relationship:HS classmate
From:Appleton Wi
Comments:I graduated from high school with Pete.Always remember him as a tall,lanky guy who liked to play practical jokes.I always wondered what happened to him over there. Little did I know until reading this that we were in country at same time.

Posted by:James Hall
Date:Friday, August 26, 2011 5:12 PM UTC
From:Cleveland, OH
Comments:I wore Peters MIA bracelet for nearly 20 years. I just lost it off the coast of Florida last Sunday nite while fishing. I am saddened by its loss and how it reminded me that there are those out there who gave their all with little recognition. He will forever be on my mind and I hope that he will come home someday. He deserved that much.

Posted by:Buddy Fernowu
Date:Wednesday, July 9, 2014 9:28 PM UTC
Comments:I have worn peters wrist band for over 20 years.. I now feel I have known him..<br />
I am am so sadden for his loss. I will have a special tribute on his day of loss.

Posted by:Buddy Fernow
Date:Wednesday, July 9, 2014 9:33 PM UTC
Relationship:special...through yhe VFW.
Comments:I have never taken his braclet off. I love him and neved new him..i am a vietnam veteran also..what a nice looking soldier..god bless

Posted by:Buddy Fernow
Date:Friday, August 15, 2014 10:35 PM UTC
Relationship:wearing his wrist band for more than 20
Comments:I have been wearing his wrist band for for more than 20 years. I feel i have connection with..i will
Alwyas give a tribute to him on this date. Forever..god bless him and his family..i will never take his wrist band off...

Posted by:Erin Miller
Date:Wednesday, February 18, 2015 1:09 AM UTC
From:Sun Prairie
Comments:I am looking to honor the 37 MIA from Wisconsin by compiling short biographies from interviews from friends and family. If anyone has any stories to share about Peter Schmidt, please contact me.

Posted by:Catherine Materi (Foley)
Date:Sunday, February 26, 2017 10:05 AM UTC
Relationship:Childhood; my older brother Ron's close
From:Manchester, Tennessee
Comments:I wish my brother were alive to see this, as it would bring him closure. My brother, Ron, had always hurt over the loss of his friend, Pete. All we knew was Pete was missing in action. We never knew what had happened to him. I remember him as a little girl; we grew up only a few houses apart. He was one of my brothers best friends. My husband is an Vietnam era vet; his father, Army sgt, Leroy Materi, served 3 tours in Vietnam. This brings closure. I will never forget Pete. God bless.


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