Rattler/Firebird Reunion 2006

Omni HotelFrom April 19th to April 23rd, the Omni Hotel in San Antonio became the 2006 version of the Snakepit. Rattlers and Firebirds gathered for our biennial reunion to reminisce about days gone by and to remember our fallen comrades.

The 2006 edition of the Rattler/Firebird Reunion is now history. To interject a personal comment, WOW! Each reunion seems to get better than the ones before and this was no exception. It may be presumptious of me, but I think I speak for all who attended when I say a big thank you to those of you who worked so hard to make it happen. I sincerely hope that you all know how much we who atteneded appreciate your efforts.

We had several members for whom 2006 was their first reunion. Also attending were Linda Green, sister of our KIA Richard Wayne McGee, and John Rankin, father of our KIA John Rankin, as well as Christy Phillips, daughter of Allie Campbell. Christy sang the National Anthem at the banquet and did an outstanding job of it. Thanks to Christy for that! To those people, I hope that your reunion experience was a good one and that you'll be back for the next one.

About the Reunion

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Odds & Ends


Finally, we'd like to thank those who made it possible.